If you are visiting Albuquerque within 12 days of your request for an Official Albuquerque Visitors Guide, please understand that we cannot guarantee that the guide will get to you before you leave. Once in town, the Visitors Guideisavailable at ourinformation centers,located in the baggage claim area of the Albuquerque International Sunport andin Old Town. Many Albuquerque hotels also have the Official Visitors Guideavailable.
Note: We do not ship guides to the greater Albuquerque area. Please visit one of our information centers in Old Town or at the airport to obtain a guide.
View Digital Visitors Guide
If you are an AAA office that is seeking a large quantity of our guides, please contact us at guiderequests@visitabq.org or 505-222-4357.
'+ '
'+ '<<' + this.getCurMonthName(sDate) + '>> '+ ' | '+ ''+ '<<' + sDate.getFullYear() + '>>'+ ' | '+'
' }; return d.calendar; }, calDays: function(id, curDate, useToday){ var rtnvar = ''; var numDaysInMonth = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth()+1, 0).getDate(); var startofmonth = new Date(); startofmonth = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(),curDate.getMonth(),1); var rows = Math.ceil((startofmonth.getDay()+numDaysInMonth)/7); var cday = 1; var firstday = startofmonth.getDay()+1; var lastday = numDaysInMonth; var loopstart = 0; var loopend = 0; var currentDate = new Date(); currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate()); for(var i = 1; i <= rows; i++){ rtnvar += '
'; cday++; }else{ rtnvar += '
'; } } rtnvar += '
'; } return rtnvar; }, replaceCal: function (id, sDate) { var cal = this.createCal(id, sDate, false); if (document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')) { document.getElementById(id + '_calendar').innerHTML = cal; } else { var newDomElm = document.createElement('div'); newDomElm.style.position = 'absolute'; newDomElm.innerHTML = cal; newDomElm.id = id + '_calendar'; if (document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id)) { document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).appendChild(newDomElm); } } return; }, updateDate: function(id, curDate){ document.getElementById(id).value = curDate; //document.getElementById(id).onchange(); if(document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')){ document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).removeChild(document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')); } if(document.getElementById('datepicker_' + id)){ document.getElementById('datepicker_' + id).onclick = function(){ svcrm.formBuilderScripts.fbCalendar.showDatePicker(document.getElementById(id), document.getElementById(id).value); }; } }, showDatePicker: function(domElm, curDate){ var cleanID = domElm.id.replace('datepicker_', ''); var sDate = new Date(); if(!document.getElementById(cleanID + '_calendar')){ if(document.getElementById(cleanID)){ try{ if(curDate){ sDate = this.convertToUSDate(curDate); if(sDate == 'Invalid Date'){ sDate = new Date(); } } }catch(e){ sDate = new Date(); } this.getCalendar(cleanID, sDate); } }else{ document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + cleanID).removeChild(document.getElementById(cleanID + '_calendar')); } }, getCalendar: function(id, curDate){ var newDomElm = document.createElement('div'); newDomElm.style.position = 'absolute'; newDomElm.innerHTML = this.createCal(id, curDate, true); newDomElm.id = id + '_calendar'; newDomElm.className = 'svcrm_datepicker'; document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).appendChild(newDomElm); }, convertToUSDate: function(dte){ var rtnvar = false; var wrk = dte.split(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); var wrkdate = []; var mydate = ''; if(wrk.length > 0){ wrkdate[0] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_DAY_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the day wrkdate[1] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the month wrkdate[2] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the year if(wrkdate[1] > 0 && wrkdate[1] < 13){ //Validate the months var monthsWithDaysRegExp = new RegExp("(4|6|9|11)", "gi"); var numdays = 31; if(wrkdate[1] == 2){//feb numdays = 28; //check if leap year if (wrkdate[2] % 4 === 0 && (wrkdate[2] % 100 !== 0 || wrkdate[2] % 400 === 0)){ numdays = 29; } }else if(monthsWithDaysRegExp.test(wrkdate[1])){ numdays = 30; } if(wrkdate[0] > 0 && wrkdate[0] <= numdays){ //validate the days in this month if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 2){ //if we have a two digit year pad it wrkdate[2] = chkYear(wrkdate[2]); } if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 4 && !isNaN(wrkdate[2])){ //validate the year, could expand this /* we are here we have a valid month and we have a valid day for that month and we have a valid 4 digit year */ //fld.value = wrkdate.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); wrk[1] = wrkdate[0]; //put the day back where it should be wrk[0] = wrkdate[1]; //put the month back where it should be wrk[2] = wrkdate[2]; //put the year back where it should be wrkdate = wrk.join("/"); //join on the us delim and return valid rtnvar = true; } } } } if(!rtnvar){ //if we didn't get a good date from above we use today wrkdate = new Date(); } return wrkdate; }, convertToUserDate: function(dte){ var rtnvar = false; var wrk = dte.split("/"); var wrkdate = []; var mydate = ''; if(wrk.length > 0){ wrkdate[0] = parseInt(wrk[1],10); //always holds the day wrkdate[1] = parseInt(wrk[0],10); //always holds the month wrkdate[2] = parseInt(wrk[2],10); //always holds the year if(wrkdate[1] > 0 && wrkdate[1] < 13){ //Validate the months var monthsWithDaysRegExp = new RegExp("(4|6|9|11)", "gi"); var numdays = 31; if(wrkdate[1] == 2){//feb numdays = 28; //check if leap year if (wrkdate[2] % 4 === 0 && (wrkdate[2] % 100 !== 0 || wrkdate[2] % 400 === 0)){ numdays = 29; } }else if(monthsWithDaysRegExp.test(wrkdate[1])){ numdays = 30; } if(wrkdate[0] > 0 && wrkdate[0] <= numdays){ //validate the days in this month if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 2){ //if we have a two digit year pad it wrkdate[2] = chkYear(wrkdate[2]); } if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 4 && !isNaN(wrkdate[2])){ //validate the year, could expand this /* we are here we have a valid month and we have a valid day for that month and we have a valid 4 digit year */ //fld.value = wrkdate.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_DAY_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[0]; //put the day back where it should be wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[1]; //put the month back where it should be wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[2]; //put the year back where it should be wrkdate = wrk.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); //join on the correct delim and return valid rtnvar = true; } } } } if(!rtnvar){ //I dont really know what to do here i guess just use today and convert to their date var t = new Date(); t = t.getMonth()+1 + '/' + t.getDay() + '/' + t.getFullYear(); wrkdate = this.convertToUserDate(t); } return wrkdate; }, convertToUserMDOnlyDate: function(dte){ var dateFormat_MDOnly = crm_locale.DATEFMT_MDONLY.split(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); var _day = dte.getDate().toString(); var _month = (dte.getMonth() + 1).toString(); var _dayFormat = ''; var _monthFormat = ''; var _dayPostion = ''; var _monthPostion = ''; if(dateFormat_MDOnly[0].indexOf('d') != -1){ _dayFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[0]; _monthFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[1]; _dayPostion = 0; _monthPostion = 1; }else{ _dayFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[1]; _monthFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[0]; _dayPostion = 1; _monthPostion = 0; } if(_dayFormat == 'dd' && _day.length != 2){ _day = '0' + _day; } if(_monthFormat == 'mm' && _month.length != 2){ _month = '0' + _month; } var dsp = []; dsp[_dayPostion] = _day; dsp[_monthPostion] = _month; dsp = dsp.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); return dsp; } };/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END Script Calendar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', svcrm.formBuilderScripts.__onload_function, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', svcrm.formBuilderScripts.__onload_function); }})();/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN Script copied from OLD CMS loadCRMForm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/