1. [PDF] Loneliness and social isolation in older adults - VU Research Portal
Aubert CE, Folly A, Mancinetti M, Hayoz D, , Donze J (2016). High serum levels of stress biomarkers are associated with 30-day unplanned readmission and ...
2. [PDF] Rehabilitation for People with Respiratory Disease and Frailty
Frailty is important to detect in people with chronic lung disease, as it independently predicts many health-related adverse outcomes, including hospital ...
3. Respiratory sequelae of COVID-19: pulmonary and extrapulmonary ...
19 mei 2023 · Assessment of breathlessness and altered breathing patterns. Breathlessness is a complex symptom that is inconsistently predicted from measures ...
Although the exact prevalence of post-COVID-19 condition (also known as long COVID) is unknown, more than a third of patients with COVID-19 develop symptoms that persist for more than 3 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. These sequelae are highly ...

4. [DOC] Tranexamic-acid-SOP-final-July-2024 ...
Tranexamic acid is a synthetic antifibrinolytic that prevents or reduces bleeding by impairing fibrin dissolution (3) Tranexamic acid stops blood clots being ...
5. Predictive values of metabolic score for insulin resistance on risk of ...
... waist circumference (WC), waist to height ratio (WHtR), or body mass index (BMI), have been shown to enhance the predictability of IR considering the impact ...
To investigate the relationship between the metabolic score for insulin resistance (METS‐IR) index and major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) and to compare its ability to predict MACEs with other IR indices including homeostatic model assessment for ...

6. [PDF] Impact of predictor measurement heterogeneity across settings on ...
2 feb 2019 · corresponding to the random measurement error model is reading body weight from the same scale. Each reading, the value may deviate slightly ...
7. Service de médecine interne - UNIL
Mathys P., Bütikofer L., Genné D., Leuppi J.D., Mancinetti M., John G., Aujesky D., Donzé J.D., 2024/04. Journal of general internal medicine, 39 (5) pp. 756- ...
Découvrez les activité de recherche - Service de médecine interne, Faculté de biologie et médecine, Université de Lausanne (UNIL)
8. True prevalence of COPD and its association with peripheral arterial ...
Measurements with grades A, B and C as determined by the internal software ... BMI = body mass index; PAD = peripheral arterial disease; SD = standard ...
9. 2022 Festival Schedule - Short. Sweet. Film Fest.
The warden Doyle gazes at her body and explores the connection between her body and her name. ... Life's Work. Director: Jon Mancinetti. A forward-thinking ...
The following films will be screened in-person at the 2022 Short. Sweet. Film Fest. Many of these films, as well as others, will be available to screen on-demand for free.…

10. SYS Podcast Episode 340: With Writer/Director Ben Rood (transcript)
I spent more time cheating than studying, but I loved writing this story. Before I knew it, I was just writing my version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
This is a transcript of SYS Podcast Episode 340: With Writer/Director Ben Rood.
11. Articles | BMC Geriatrics - BioMed Central
Mindfulness meditation is a form of mind–body intervention that has ... Wertli, Marco Mancinetti, Joachim Schmidt-Leuenberger and Carole E. Aubert.
Explore aging and healthcare with BMC Geriatrics, an open access journal with 3.4 Impact Factor and 37 days to first decision. Providing global visibility ...

12. OSCAR JORDAN - Resume | Actors Access
Dir: Jon Mancinetti. Feature. River Mamma. Dir: Arun K. Vir. Short. Strange ... Body Building, Bowling, Boxing, Canoeing, Combat - Stage, Equestrian ...
Kia Todd Talent Agency (CA) 818-917-7580 Voiceover
13. [DOC] TRANEXAMIC ACID for bleeding in palliative care
... body making an enzyme that dissolves blood clots and is often used to reduce ... Sood, R., Mancinetti, M., Betticher, D., Cantin, B., Ebneter, A. (2020) ...
14. [PDF] Alzheimer's Disease, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes
30 okt 2024 · Mancinetti, F.; Xenos, D.; De Fano, M.; Mazzieri, A.; Porcellati, F ... Whole-body senescent cell clearance alleviates age-related brain ...
15. Table of contents | BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Association of respiratory symptoms with body mass index and occupational ... Ilena Müller, Marco Mancinetti, Anja Renner, Pierre-Olivier Bridevaux ...
16. [PDF] Bern Biomedical Engineering Network
by body volume and table height and should therefore be corrected for these ... Mancinetti M., Naccini. B., Ott S.R., Piquilloud L., Prella M., Que Y.A. ...
17. Dall'Italia - Vieni in Italia con me, the new menu by Massimo Bottura
21 jul 2022 · ... Mancinetti Marta Cotarella · Cristian Marasco Luca Abbruzzino ... body. There are no more extremes and suburbs, or secluded islands ...
There’s a detail I noticed a few days ago on the motorway between Milan and Florence and back, going north; a tile in the large mosaic of visions, which has been there for a long time and which I’ve noticed only absentmindedly, so that the ima

18. Nutrients, Volume 16, Issue 23 (December-1 2024) – 279 articles
... Mancinetti, Roberta Cecchetti, Carmelinda ... Background/Objectives: Physical fitness and diet along with body weight are key determinants of health.
Nutrients, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.

19. Braden Pontoli - The Music Teacher Guild
Braden Pontoli, a Los Angeles-based film scorer, conductor, and sound healer, blends classical training with multimedia collaborations, crafting meditative ...
Braden Pontoli, a Los Angeles-based film scorer, conductor, and sound healer, blends classical training with multimedia collaborations, crafting meditative and invigorating compositions. Credits include collaborations with producer Peter Rafelson and extensive work with independent film directors an